Join our Study Group

“Studying is most useful to allow one to put into words what one has already experienced

Chris Sei Ho Preist

Sutra Study Group

Bristol Zen Dojo Study Group extends the face-to-face teaching of kusen and teisho, to enable regular practitioners at our Gloucester Road dojo to share and deepen their practice

We select a text to study together online, one evening a month. Recently we’ve examined the Shushogi, the Heart Sutra (Maha Hannya Haramita Shingyo), Koun Ejo’s Komyozo Zanmai and are currently studying Sosan’s Shin Jin Mei

The Study Group is open to established Bristol Zen Dojo sangha members on application. In the first instance, please send an email to the Helpdesk

Study Group Resources

Audio files

Other resource suggestions (PDF book downloads)

Further reading

The Ring of the Way, Taisen Deshimaru, Rider (1983), ISBN 0-7126-1996-8

Fukan Zazen Gi:
Zen: Simply Sitting, Philippe Coupey, Hohm Press (2006), ISBN 1-890772-61-5

The Wholehearted Way, Shohaku Okumura & Taigen Dan Leighton, Tuttle (1997-2017) ISBN 8048-31055-X

Realizing Genjokoan, Shohaku Okumura, Wisdom (2010) ISBN 0-86171-601-2

Dogen’s Genjo Koan: Three Commentaries, Eihei Dogen Zenji, Counterpoint (2011) ISBN 1-58243-743-2

Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, Kazuaki Tanahashi (Ed.), Shambhala (2012) ISBN 1-59030-935-3

Yoka Daishi’s Song of Immediate Awakening, Commentaries by Tasien Deshimaru (English Translation: by Nan Shin Nancy Amphoux & Moku Gyo Adrian Tuttiett), published under licence by: International Zen Association UK