Glossary of Zen Terms
Bodhisattva: Someone who is committed to putting the Buddha’s teachings into practice in daily life
Buddha: Siddhartha Gotama, Indian prince, C5th BC. Also called Shakyamuni Buddha in Sino-Japanese
Dharma: The teachings of the historical Buddha, also supplemented by later followers
Dojo: The meditation hall in which we sit zazen and do ceremonies
Dogen: Eihei Dogen, Japanese (1200-1253) Founder of our Soto Zen school of Buddhism
Godo: Teacher. Also the person who generally leads sessions in the dojo
Hannya Shingyo: (Heart Sutra) Short sutra, summarising the teaching of the Prajnaparamita Wisdom sutras.
Kyosaku: Flattened stick used to massage the shoulders of meditators (if requested)
Kesa: Ceremonial robe worn over their black kimono by monks and nuns
Kinhin: Slow walking meditation, carried out between periods of sitting meditation
Kusen: Verbal teaching given by the godo during a meditation period (‘sit’)
Mokugyo: Wooden drum beaten rhythmically as an aid to communal chanting
Mondo: Session, in a formal setting, during which senior teachers answer practitioners’ questions
Ordination: Ceremony formalising a person’s deepening commitment to Buddhist practice
Rakusu: A smaller version of the kesa worn by ordained lay people. Worn by monks/nuns outside the dojo
Samu: Work carried out on behalf of the community, often simple tasks such as cleaning or food preparation
Sanpai: Set of three formal ceremonial bows
Sangha: The Buddhist community including, but not limited to, those formally ordained
Sesshin: A more intense Zen practice period, typically lasting one or two days up to a week
Shikantaza: ‘Just sitting’ – the Soto Zen meditation practice method
Shuso: Person responsible for ensuring order and safety within the dojo
Soto Zen: School of Buddhism emphasising silent meditation as the key to liberation
Sutra: Text usually attributed to the Buddha or propounded by later disciples
Teisho: Formal lecture given by the godo in the dojo
Zafu: Round meditation cushion. (A bench or chair can be used instead)
Zazen: Still, silent meditation
A more comprehensive glossary can be found on the AZI website